It seems that over the years, bikes are getting more and more expensive. When I got into cycling I ogled bikes that cost £1000, however, now the top-of-the-range bikes cost upwards of £10,000. Surely this isn’t all down to inflation? As a cyclist with a keen interest in statistics, I wanted to take a look […]
How Much Do Tour De France Bikes Weigh?
With the 2022 Tour De France coming up, many of us will be looking at the riders and their bikes with a bit of jealousy. After spending far too long looking at the bikes from previous years, I thought it would be interesting to take a deeper look into the Tour De France bikes themselves, […]
How Much Do Bikes Cost: How much should you be spending on a bike?
When buying a new bike it can be very confusing to work out how much you should be spending. As a keen cyclist for many years now, I wanted to take a more detailed look into this topic, to help new and hobby cyclists alike decide just how much they should be spending on a […]
Can You Ride A Mountain Bike On The Road: Will your tires wear out faster?
Many new riders tend to have an old mountain bike lying around in their garage when they first decide to try out road cycling. This often leads to the question of whether or not you can ride a mountain bike on the road. I for one wondered this exact thing when I started out on […]
How Much Is An Electric Bike: Is a DIY kit cheaper than a pre-built electric bike?
Given the rise in popularity of electric bikes, many riders have started to look into whether or not they would be an option for them. However, electric bikes have a reputation for being very expensive. As a regular rider who owns an electric bike, I thought I would take the time to explain how much […]
How Fast Are Electric Bikes: What is the fastest street-legal electric bike?
Electric bikes are often sold on the fact that they are a faster option for riding or commuting. Given the recent rise in the popularity of biking in general, many people will be wondering just how fast an electric bike is. As a regular bike rider who owns an electric bike, I thought it would […]